The Essential Concepts Videos™ Series

The Essential Concepts Videos (TM) Series will consist of over fifty full length videos plus assorted PSA, test, specials, shorts, and course videos expounding on the various elements of Catastrophic Thinking and CAVEAT. The primarily goals of this series is to provide a framework for educational services, namely, speaking engagements, conducting classes, seminars, conferences, workshops, informal online programs, lectures and distribution of course and informational materials in connection therewith in printed or electronic format, namely, video, text, illustrations, or hypertext, in the fields of catastrophic thinking, critical thinking, and strategic thinking, using scientific principles and analysis, in crisis policy formation, in disaster emergency management, and in emergency preparedness.

The planned sequence of presentations will be listed below when this page is finished. Just as you have been instructed to ignore the man behind the curtain, you should also ignore the girl below doing Yoga. She came with Squarespace. Eventually various free videos will be stored on this page featuring Cola, the spokesperson for this Website and the Youtube Channel.




Free Test Video       Most Important Message

Looming Catastrophes

PSA #1                       An Approaching Catastrophe:  Y2K38

PSA #2                       An Inevitable Catastrophe:  EMPs and the Grid

PSA #3                       PART I  Water Woes Drinking Water

PSA #3                       PART II Water Woes Salt Water Sea Levels

PSA #4                       1816 The Year Without a Summer (Volcanoes)

PSA #5                       Sins of the Fathers (National Debt) (A Policy Catastrophe)

Your Thinking Weaknesses

Test Video #1          Isn’t It Obvious? --Sirens

Test Video #2          Pascal’s Wager

Test Video #3          Catastrophic Currencies

Test Video #4          Probably Not—3 Examples (Recognizing Boxes in Thinking)

Test Video #5          Did You See That Coming, Nostradamus?

Test Video #6           Top 10 List for Know-It-Alls (Wisdom)

Test Video #7          It’s All About You

Test Video #8          Hey, Look, A Squirrel

Test Video #9          The Chasm Between Words and Symbols (Numbers)

Test Video #10        Unmasking the Truth (The Lone Ranger and Fake News)

About God  

Test Video #11        Clues on How God Thinks           

Test Video #12        Sex and Organic Chemistry

Test Video #13        God’s  Alphabet (DNA)

Test Video #14        The Social Contract (Consensus)

Test Video #15        The SIX (6) Fundamental Forces

Policy Concepts

Test Video #16        The Concept of Strategic Assets

Test Video #17        The Concept of Systemic Vulnerabilities

Test Video #18        Unintended Consequences

Test Video #19        Two Policies Applying CAVEAT

Test Video #20        A Tale of Two Pipelines

Special Videos

Special #1                 Catastrophic History in 4 parts

Special #2                 Catastrophic Humor

Special #3                 Catastrophic Leadership

Special #4                 Boobs, Bras, and Bikinis (Thinking in Algorithms)

Special #5                 Masking the Truth (You Can’t Kill a Virus)

Special #6                 Pre-Lecture Festivities

The Main Course

Introductory Video #1 Catastrophic Thinking

Introductory Video #2 CAVEAT

Video #1                   The Many Blessings of Covid-19

Video #2                   The Many Lessons of Covid-19

Video #3                   The Fogs of War Catastrophes (and Cognitive Biases)

Video #4                   Forms of Deception (including RIIGS and TOSSS)

Video #5                   DUPCED by Statistics (The C is silent)

Video #6                   Avoiding 40 Fallacies of Dubious Data

Video #7                   MIISSSLEADING the Data (sic)

Video #8                   Quantifying Love

Video #9                   No Fair:  Debating With Fallacies

Video #10                 Recognizing TOPPPEECS

Video #11                 The Ten Types of Science

 Video #12                The Seven Dimensions of Physics

 Video #13                Shining New Light on Old Problems in Physics

 Video #14                Experts: The Pied Pipers of Civilization (Experts)

 Video #15                Catastrophic Thinking at Custer’s Last Stand

 Video #16                Lost in Translation

 Video #17               The Art of Thinking

 Video #18               The Red Flag of Policies:  NOT Thinking Again

 Video #19                Essential Questions of Policies

Video #20                 Rebuttals




Youtube Video Shorts

Video Short #1        The History of Sexual Knowledge

Video Short #2        The Climax of Sexual Knowledge

Video Short #3        Don’t Ask;  Do Tell

Video Short #4        A New Perspective on Dinosaur Sex

Video Short #5        Bet You Don’t Know What Epithelium is.

Video Short #6        I Could Do This All Year

Video Short #7        (to be named later)

Video Short #8        (to be named later)

Video Short #9        (to be named later)

Video Short #10      (to be named later)



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  • 15 Minute Midday Routine.jpg
    • 10/18/21

    15 Minute Midday Routine

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  • Practicing Mindfulness.jpg

    Practicing Mindfulness

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  • 30 Minute Bedtime Unwind.jpg

    30 Minute Bedtime Unwind

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  • 30 Minute Morning Flow.jpg
    • 10/18/21

    30 Minute Morning Flow

    Introduce your video with a short summary or excerpt viewers can preview. If you don’t add an excerpt, this field will automatically show the first three lines of the video’s description.