
My friend COLA is pictured here and will appear in my videos. COLA, like his name sake policy, does not think through positions which he advocates. COLAs are policies creating entitlements without giving any CAVEAT to financing the entitlement. Revenues must increase to cover the COLAs, but you will kindly notice that Washington, E.D.C. has made no plans to fund COLAs other than steal from future generations. (increasing the National Debt and/or bankrupting social security). This violates the tool of Catastrophic Thinking to design policies with sound financing. I am an old codger and wholeheartedly support COLAs for my social security, but they must be paid for.

You can see another example of such muddleheaded thinking by my friend COLA because his buttons show he supports the Green New Deal, but is opposed to nuclear power. (STOP NUCLEAR POWER). Relying solely on “renewables” violates the tool of Catastrophic Thinking to diversify to reduce catastrophic risk. Nuclear energy and even fossil fuels have their place in American policies to minimize risks related to maintaining the flow of energy to American consumers. Otherwise, fear the cloudy, windless days.

As a catastrophist, I am at least sympathetic to the environmental causes and policies of the Green New Deal. While there is merit in such positions, they are seriously flawed in their thinking. Hopefully, the “Greens” will take to heart CAVEAT and design and advocate programs that will actually satisfy all twelve tools of CAVEAT, instead of just focusing on environmental sustainability. To that end, I offer that my family has been carbon neutral since 1988 when we purchased some highly-erodible farm land and planted over 6,000 trees. That stand of trees has fixed far more carbon out of the air than my family’s carbon footprint.

As to the host of this site, I am a fat, old, ugly, retired lawyer with many health issues that made me vulnerable to the corona viruses even before 2019. Some may think that it is rather pretentious of me to outline a program of over 30 videos and 3 books. But the reason for this ambitious outline is to find relevance and purpose in my old age. In addition to sharing my life’s observations about how to think, this site exemplifies my strategy to stay alive. I now have so much to do that I will never die. That is my plan, anyway. Pray for Peace.