Powerpoint for PSA #1 Y2K38
The Essential Concepts Videos series will be hosted on a YouTube Channel CAVEAT MIND and stored on a website named Catastrophic Thinking, domain name essentialconceptsinc.com The first few videos will explain some of the underlying essential concepts which are used in CATASTROPHIC THINKING. The first video will give an example of a catastrophe looming in the future, and will be presented as a Public Service Announcement. (PSA #1)
At the turn of the century, there was much concern about the collapse of the computer systems due to a nearly universal bug in the software for counting years, called Y2K. After much gnashing of teeth and widespread investments of time and money, the crisis was averted. Now civilization is again faced with a computer flaw due to the design of hardware using 32-bit architecture, and the possibility of the collapse of governments and society which rely on 32-bit software which will cease to work on January 19, 2038. (Y2K38). There are literally billions of such computer systems which are going to be functionally obsolete and must be replaced. The first step to addressing this approaching catastrophe is to increase public awareness, which will in turn create a clamor and support for the draconian measures which will be needed to meet this catastrophe. The answer is to convert all computer architecture to 64-bit systems.