Powerpoint for Test Video #4 Did You See That Coming, Nostradamus?


The Essential Concepts Videos series will be hosted on a YouTube Channel CAVEAT MIND and stored on a website named Catastrophic Thinking, domain name essentialconceptsinc.com  The first few videos will explain some of the underlying essential concepts which are used in  CATASTROPHIC THINKING.  This fifth introductory video will introduce prophecy as a thinking skill.

Policy formation neglects events with remote probabilities of occurring.  Though we desire to anticipate events, especially catastrophic events, we do not have the “gift” of prophecy.  This video explains that while charlatans and soothsayers prey on our vulnerability to future events, in fact the Biblical prophets and gifted people like Nostradamus are extremely rare.  One of the critical skills of catastrophic thinking is to be able to anticipate unintended consequences, and another is to be able to think outside the box.  With study we can simulate the ability to prophesy.

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