Powerpoint for Test Video #1 Isn't It Obvious? (sirens)
• This first introductory video will be used to test the new channel CAVEAT MIND on You Tube. It is shorter than instructional videos. It will introduce catastrophic thinking by presenting a policy idea to create a system of emergency siren patterns to be adopted in all states and localities. Separate siren patterns will assist the public in identifying what hazard is approaching, whether it be earth, wind, fire, war, or vehicles of first responders. The focus is on the CAVEAT tools to Think Back and to Think Again. A critical part of Catastrophic Analysis and Thinking is to always learn from past policy failures and successes. Thinking Again means more than auditing. It also entails listening to criticisms, surveying the public, applying smart questions, brainstorming, and utilizing all of the other techniques of the Art of Thinking.